旌旗读后感 名著读后感


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今年是英国浪漫派诗人雪莱去世202周年。珀西·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley,1792年8月4日-1822年7月8日),死时不到30岁的英国浪漫主义诗人,他是比拜伦更像王勃的早早划过世界诗坛的耀眼流星(他俩死时皆不到30岁,王勃26岁死于南海的波涛,雪莱则被意大利的海上风暴夺走生命)。其代表作品有《西风颂》《致云雀》等。

大哥拜伦则认为雪莱这个小弟“是世界上最不自私的人,别人和他相比就几乎全都成了野兽。”雪莱极为崇拜拜伦。After Shelley had heard Byron recite his newly completed fifth canto of Don Juan he wrote to Mary,his wife : "I despair of rivalling Byron." 他在《Sonnet to Byron》中说拜伦有power to soar above the heights where other climb, 他还把拜伦比喻成上帝,而他仅是“the worm beneath the sod, may lift itself in homage of the God”



Shelley left home at age of 10 to study at Syon House Academy, about 50 miles north of his family house in Broadbridge Heath and 10 miles west of central London. After two years, he enrolled at Eton College in 1804 at the age of 12. While studying there for 6 years, he was severely bullied, both physical and mentally, by his classmate 因为他不接受高年级学生对低年级学生的支配和役使,对自由的天生渴望以及缺乏家庭关爱饱受凌辱的童年造就了他异于常人的性格和人生轨迹。

雪莱18岁进入牛津大学,he was publicly expelled from Oxford University for publishing an atheist pamphlet “The Necessity of Atheism,”(《无神论的必然》)。He wrote and circulated with his classmate and life long friend Thomas Jefferson Hogg. 他的父亲是一个保守的辉格党成员,a squire and member of Parliament, 一怒之下,断绝了他的经济资助。雪莱,一个庞大家产的继承者,因为坚持自己的叛逆思想而陷入身无分文的困境。


哈丽特的父亲曾经是一个酒馆的老板,其他的同学都因此看不起她,说她是"堕落的贱妇"。她给雪莱写了一封信,说父亲逼她回去上学,而她宁愿自杀也不想回学校了。雪莱毅然决定和她私奔。就这样,一个19岁的少年带着一个16岁的少女第一次私奔上路了,They left for 苏格兰Edinburgh on 25 August 1811, and they were married there on the 28th.

目睹了苏格兰和爱尔兰人民的处境后,他写了《告爱尔兰人民书》,号召他们争取民族独立的斗争。在大学他就读过激进的政治家葛德温的《政治正义论》,而且把葛德温作为自己的精神导师。他写了许多热情洋溢的信向这位导师倾诉自己的看法。终于有一天,葛德温请他和夫人去府上做客。In May 1814, Shelley began visiting his mentor Godwin almost daily。


范妮(Fanny)和珍妮都爱上了雪莱,她们每天望眼欲穿地等待着诗人来做客,听他讲话,听他朗诵自己的诗作,她们深深地迷上了他!她们写给妹妹玛丽的每一封信里谈论的都是他!雪莱却soon fell in love with Mary, the sixteen-year-old daughter of Godwin。When Shelley told Godwin that he intended to leave Harriet and live with Mary, his mentor banished him from the house and forbade Mary from seeing him. Shelley and Mary eloped to Europe on 28 July 1814. taking Mary's step-sister Claire Clairmont with them.这是雪莱的第二次私奔,那时,他的妻子Harriet可是独自拉扯着他的两个孩子呢!私奔前, Shelley had secured a loan of £3,000 but had left most of the funds at the disposal of Godwin and Harriet。

Shelley, Mary and Claire travelled to France, Germany and Holland before returning to England on 13 September. When the three finally returned home, Mary was pregnant. The news of Mary’s pregnancy brought Harriet to her wit’s end. She requested a porce and sued Shelley for alimony .


In early January 1815, Shelley's grandfather, Sir Bysshe, died leaving an estate worth £220,000 and also left him an annual allowance of 1,000 British pounds.

1816 年 雪莱二十四岁。1816年5月—9月间旅行瑞士日内瓦一带,始与拜伦订交。Mary的干姐妹Claire 在伦敦时就是拜伦的情妇,她arranged for Byron to meet Shelley, Mary, and her in Geneva。拜伦因此在日内瓦Villa Diodati首次结识了珀西·雪莱。Shelley's party arrived in Geneva in May and rented a house close to Villa Diodati, on the shores of Lake Geneva, where Byron was staying.

The two poets soon discovered that they shared radical political sympathies and a determination to abandon moral platitudes and religious cant. From the beginning it appears that they inspired each other and those around them. 这是一场世界文学史上有名的聚会。

The house is a manor in Cologny Chemin de Ruth 9 1223 Cologny 位于湖东岸,湖西侧对称点是Museum of the History of Science & 国际红十字会。


Relations between Byron and Shelley's party became strained when Byron was told that Claire was pregnant with his child. Shelley, Mary, and Claire left Switzerland in late August。

Shelley and Mary returned to England in September 1816, and in early October they heard that Mary's step-sister Fanny Imlay had killed herself. Godwin believed that Fanny had been in love with Shelley, and Shelley himself suffered depression and guilt over her death. 

Further tragedy followed ,on 1816 年 12 月10 日,Shelley's estranged wife Harriet drowned herself in the 在伦敦海德公园Serpentine投水自尽(独居的她因尴尬第怀孕). 两个女人两个月内相继因为雪莱自杀了。

20天后,Shelley married Mary Godwin on 30 December。

在妻子死后,法庭上因为他是无神论者and his adherence to the notion of free love,1817年大法官将两个孩子教养权判给其岳父,出于痛苦及愤怒,雪莱写就了《致大法官》和《给威廉·雪莱》。这个判决使得他的孩子sadder than orphans, yet not fatherless. 我觉得他的众多hymn、ode 和dirge 都不如他的这首充满愤怒的诅咒诗写得好!诗人不光是可以歌功颂德的,诗人也是得罪不起的!诗人也是充满力量的!

为了不致影响到他与玛丽所生孩子的教养权,也为了 escape England的 "tyranny civil and religious",同时也为了治疗他chronic lung complaint, 雪莱携家于1818年3月12日第三次奔赴欧洲,这次是永远离开英国,一直居住到逝世。Shelley had also arranged to take Claire's daughter, Allegra, to her father Byron who was now in Venice.

After travelling some months through France and Italy, Shelley left Mary and their baby Clara at Bagni di Lucca (in today's Tuscany) while he travelled with Claire to Venice to see Byron. 在威尼斯与拜伦第二次相遇。Byron invited the Shelleys to stay at his summer residence at Este, and Shelley urged Mary to meet him there. Clara became seriously ill on the journey and died on 24 September in Venice. Following Clara's death, Mary fell into a long period of depression and emotional estrangement from Shelley.

In the period of intense creativity that followed, both wrote their masterworks: Shelley composed Julian and Maddalo (a poem inspired by their discussions) and began writing Prometheus Unbound and Byron completed the first canto of Don Juan and all of Mazeppa;

The Shelleys moved to Naples on 1 December, where they stayed for three months. During this period Shelley was ill, depressed and almost suicidal: a state of mind reflected in his poem "Stanzas written in Dejection – December 1818, Near Naples".

While in Naples, Shelley registered the birth and baptism of a baby girl, Elena Adelaide Shelley (born 27 December), naming himself as the father and falsely naming Mary as the mother. The parentage of Elena has never been conclusively established. Biographers have variously speculated that she was adopted by Shelley to console Mary for the loss of Clara, 另一种猜测是这个女孩was Shelley's child by Claire, 另一种猜测是这个女孩 was his child by his servant Elise Foggi, or that she was the child of a "mysterious lady" who had followed Shelley to the continent. Shelley registered the birth and baptism on 27 February 1819, and the household left Naples for Rome the following day, leaving Elena with carers. Elena was to die in a poor suburb of Naples on 9 June 1820.

1819年是雪莱创作高产的一年,这年他写完《解放了的普罗米修斯》(Prometheus Unbound)全诗剧四幕,并成诗剧《倩契》,The Cenci is a verse drama of rape, murder and incest. It was to become one of his most popular works and the only one to have two authorized editions in his lifetime;同年,曼彻斯特群众集会遭到骑兵屠杀,对此惨案,雪莱忿极,作政治长诗《暴政的假面游行》;同年秋,作《西风颂》。

In Rome, Shelley was in poor health, probably having developed tuberculosis which later was in remission. Nevertheless, he made significant progress on three major works: Julian and Maddalo, and The Cenci as well as Prometheus Unbound. Julian and Maddalo is an autobiographical poem which explores the relationship between Shelley and Byron and analyses Shelley's personal crises of 1818 and 1819. The poem was completed in the summer of 1819, but was not published in Shelley's lifetime.

Shelley's three-year-old son William died in June 1819, probably of malaria. The new tragedy caused a further decline in Shelley's health and deepened Mary's depression. On 4 August she wrote: "We have now lived five years together; and if all the events of the five years were blotted out, I might be happy".

The Shelleys were now living in Livorno where, in September, Shelley heard of the Peterloo Massacre of peaceful protesters in Manchester. Within two weeks he had completed one of his most famous political poems, The Mask of Anarchy, and despatched it to Leigh Hunt for publication. Hunt, however, decided not to publish it for fear of prosecution for seditious libel. The poem was only officially published in 1832.

The Shelleys moved to Florence in October.

On 12 November, Mary gave birth to a boy, Percy Florence Shelley. Around the time of Percy's birth, the Shelleys met Sophia Stacey, a talented harpist and singer, formed a friendship with Shelley while Mary was preoccupied with her newborn son. Shelley wrote at least five love poems and fragments for Sophia including "Song written for an Indian Air".

The Shelleys moved to Pisa in January 1820, ostensibly to consult a doctor who had been recommended to them. There they became friends with the Irish republican Margaret Mason. Mrs Mason became the inspiration for Shelley's poem "The Sensitive Plant".

In March, Shelley wrote to friends that Mary was depressed, suicidal and hostile towards him. Shelley was also beset by financial worries, as creditors from England pressed him for payment.

Meanwhile, Shelley was writing A Philosophical View of Reform, a political essay which he had begun in Rome. The unfinished essay, which remained unpublished in Shelley's lifetime, has been called "one of the most advanced and sophisticated documents of political philosophy in the nineteenth century".

In July, hearing that John Keats was seriously ill in England, Shelley wrote to the poet inviting him to stay with him at Pisa. Keats replied with hopes of seeing him, but instead, arrangements were made for Keats to travel to Rome. Following the death of Keats in 1821, Shelley wrote Adonais,

In December 1820, Shelley met Teresa Viviani, who was the 19-year-old daughter of the Governor of Pisa and was living in a convent awaiting a suitable marriage. Shelley visited her several times over the next few months and they started a passionate correspondence which dwindled after her marriage the following September. She was the inspiration for Shelley's major poem Epipsychidion.

In March 1821 Shelley completed "A Defence of Poetry", a response to Peacock's article "The Four Ages of Poetry". Shelley's essay, with its famous conclusion "Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world", remained unpublished in his lifetime.

Shelley went alone to Ravenna in early August to see Byron, making a detour to Livorno for a rendezvous with Claire. Shelley stayed with Byron for two weeks and invited the older poet to spend the winter in Pisa.

In November Byron moved into Villa Lanfranchi in Pisa, just across the river from the Shelleys. 这是他俩第四次相聚而居。前三次均是小弟投奔大哥,这次是大哥来看小弟。

In the early months of 1822 Shelley became increasingly close to Jane Williams, who was living with her partner Edward Williams in the same building as the Shelleys. Shelley wrote a number of love poems for Jane, including "The Serpent is shut out of Paradise" and "With a Guitar, to Jane".

Claire arrived in Pisa in April at Shelley's invitation, and soon after they heard that her daughter Allegra had died of typhus in Ravenna. The Shelleys and Claire then moved to Villa Magni, near Lerici on the shores of the Gulf of La Spezia. Shelley acted as mediator between Claire and Byron over arrangements for the burial of their daughter, and the added strain led to Shelley having a series of hallucinations.

Mary almost died from a miscarriage on 16 June, her life only being saved by Shelley's effective first aid. Two days later Shelley wrote to a friend that there was no sympathy between Mary and him and if the past and future could be obliterated he would be content in his boat with Jane and her guitar. That same day he also wrote to Trelawny asking for prussic acid. The following week, Shelley woke the household with his screaming over a nightmare or hallucination in which he saw Edward and Jane Williams as walking corpses and himself strangling Mary.

During this time, Shelley was writing his final major poem, the unfinished The Triumph of Life,

On 1 July 1822, Shelley and Edward Williams sailed in Shelley's new boat the Don Juan(“唐璜”)号 to Livorno where Shelley met Leigh Hunt and Byron in order to make arrangements for a new journal, The Liberal. 在同拜伦的第五次会面结束, on 8 July, Shelley, Williams, and their boat boy sailed out of Livorno for Lerici(勒瑞奇). A few hours later, the Don Juan and its inexperienced crew were lost in a storm.

拜伦在雪莱火葬时恭立,火化毕,拜伦忽解衣跃入海中在游泳不已。越二年从军希腊死。按照习俗,妻子Mary 没有像画作描述的那样参加葬礼。

雪莱的骨灰葬在罗马的新教徒公墓里,那里还躺着他夭亡的儿子威廉和同样早逝的好友济慈。墓碑的表面刻着 Cor Cordium(拉丁语,意为heart of hearts,心中之心)和雪莱生前最喜爱的诗句:

Nothing of him that doth fade / But doth suffer a Sea-change / Into something rich and strange (他的一切都未曾消逝/只因历经沧海的洗礼/变得丰饶而奇异)(选自威廉-莎士比亚的《暴风雨》)

When Shelley's body was cremated on the beach, his presumed heart resisted burning and was retrieved by Trelawny. The heart was possibly calcified from an earlier tubercular infection. Trelawny gave the scorched organ to Hunt, who preserved it in spirits of wine。 Hunt also retrieved a piece of Shelley's jawbone which, in 1913, was given to the Shelley-Keats Memorial in Rome. 雪莱的心脏因此和玛丽及儿子伯熙一起被安葬在英格兰南部伯恩茅斯圣彼得教堂(St Peter's Church, Bournemouth)的墓地里。

雪莱死后二十二年,即1944年,父亲提摩太爵士(Sir Timothy Shelley)以九十二岁高龄逝世,baronet爵位与家产由他和玛丽的小儿子Percy Florence伯熙继承。

只活了29岁的雪莱却是9个孩子的父亲: Shelley had two children by his first wife Harriet: Eliza Ianthe Shelley (1813–1876) and Charles Bysshe Shelley (1814–1826). He had four children by his second wife Mary: an unnamed daughter born in 1815 who only survived ten days; William Shelley (1816–1819); Clara Everina Shelley (1817–1818); and Sir Percy Florence Shelley, 3rd Baronet (1819–1889). Shelley also declared himself to be the father of Elena Adelaide Shelley (1818–1820), who might have been an illegitimate or adopted daughter.

二、 革命的先锋和吹号人






1817年的《to William Shelley》中他向自己的孩子吐露了自己坚定的革命信仰。

Fear not the tyrants will rule for ever,


Or the priests of the evil faith;


They stand on the brink of that raging river,


Whose waves they have tainted with death.


It is fed from the depth of a thousand dells,


Around them it foams and rages and swells;


And their swords and their sceptres I floating see,


Like wrecks on the surge of eternity.


1819年的《An ode》

Awaken, awaken, awaken!

The slave and the tyrant are twin-born foes;

Be the cold chains shaken

To the dust where your kindred repose, repose

Their bones in the grave will start and move,

When they hear the voices of those they love,

Most loud in the holy combat above.

1819年《Song to the man of England》

The seed you sow, another reaps

The wealth you find, another keeps;

The robes you weave, another wears,

The arms you forge, another bears.

Shrink to your cellars, holes, and cells;

In halls you deck another dwells.

Why shake the chains your wrought? You see

The steel you tempered glance on you.


Shelley was an avowed atheist, vegetarian,同时也主张“极端自由的爱”。他是公然反对monogamy 的。

在第一次私奔不久, Shelley was soon annoyed with Harriet, and became interested in a woman named Elizabeth Hitchener, a schoolteacher who inspired his first major poem, Queen Mab. 第二次私奔前,雪莱还建议Harriet同他和Marry一起私奔!

Shelley is advocate of free love. In his notes to Queen Mab, he wrote: "A system could not well have been devised more studiously hostile to human happiness than marriage." He argued that the children of unhappy marriages "are nursed in a systematic school of ill-humour, violence and falsehood". He believed that the ideal of chastity outside marriage was "a monkish and evangelical superstition" which led to the hypocrisy of prostitution and promiscuity.















雪莱主张“自由恋爱”(Free love),他的主张不但领先他那个时代,也为200年后的现代社会所不容,可能未来200年也无法被世界所接受。Shelley believed that "sexual connection" should be free among those who loved each other and last only as long as their mutual love. Love should also be free and not subject to obedience, jealousy and fear. He denied that free love would lead to promiscuity and the disruption of stable human relationships, arguing that relationships based on love would generally be of long duration and marked by generosity and self-devotion.


When Shelley's friend T. J. Hogg made an unwanted sexual advance to Shelley's first wife Harriet, Shelley forgave him of his "horrible error" and assured him that he was not jealous.

In February 1815, Mary gave premature birth to a baby girl who died ten days later, In the following weeks, Mary became close to Hogg who temporarily moved into the household, and it is possible that Mary, with Shelley's encouragement, was also having a sexual relationship with Hogg。

雪莱还同他第二个妻子Mary的干姐妹 Claire 发生过关系,Claire 后来成了拜伦情妇,还为拜伦生下一女。

雪莱爱上的女人数不胜数。在同首妻Harriet 关系紧张后,He had close friendship with an attractive widow, Mrs. Harriet de Boinville. Mrs. Boinville had married a French revolutionary émigré and hosted a salon where Shelley was able to discuss politics, philosophy and vegetarianism. Mrs. Boinville became a confidante of Shelley during his marital crisis. During a breakdown, Shelley moved into Mrs. Boinville’s home outside London. In February and March 1814, he became infatuated with her married daughter, Cornelia Turner, age eighteen, and wrote erotic poetry about her in his notebook。

四、The Keats–Shelley House

The Keats–Shelley Memorial Association, founded in 1903, supports the Keats–Shelley House in Rome which is a museum and library dedicated to the Romantic writers with a strong connection with Italy. The association is also responsible for maintaining the在 罗马的grave of Percy Bysshe Shelley in the non-Catholic Cemetery at Testaccio.


In November 1820, the English poet John Keats, who was dying of tuberculosis, came to Rome at the urging of friends and doctors who hoped that the warmer climate might improve his health. He was accompanied by an acquaintance, the artist Joseph Severn, who nursed and looked after Keats until his death at age twenty-five on 23 February 1821, in this house.

Situated at the right foot of the Spanish Steps,the Keats-Shelley House is a museum dedicated to the British Romantic poets, it is most famous for being the final dwelling place of John Keats, who died here in 1821, aged just 25,




The poem was created as part of a friendly competition in which Shelley and fellow poet Horace Smith each created a poem on the subject of Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II under the title of Ozymandias, the Greek name for the pharaoh..

大英博物馆的Ramesses II雕像

Ramesses II,commonly known as Ramesses the Great。He is also widely considered one of ancient Egypt's most successful warrior pharaohs, conducting no fewer than 15 military campaigns, all resulting in victories。

巴黎协和广场上的方尖碑(The Luxor Obelisks)就是3000多年前Ramesses II统治时期树立在the Luxor Temple的。3000多年前的obelisk 有2块。The right-hand (western) stone, 23 metres (75 ft) high, was moved in the 1830s to Concorde 广场, while the left-hand obelisk remains in its location in Egypt.

In November 1830,埃及统治者把两个obelisks 给了法国。It was erected in 1836 at the center of Place de la Concorde by King Louis-Phillipe. 安置在此的重要原因是为了压制法国大革命时在此安放绞刑架所产生的恐怖。The total cost of relocating the obelisk was estimated at USD19 million in 2020。 The high cost is why the second obelisk was never moved.

1932年两个方尖碑的照片。In 1981, President François Mitterrand of France definitively renounced possession of the left obelisk. France added a gold-leafed pyramid cap to the top of the right obelisk in 1998, it was stolen in the 500s BC.

The remaining obelisk at Luxor Temple

The poem is about the nature of power. It is an important piece that features how a great ruler like Ozymandias, king of kings, and his legacy, was prone to impermanence and decay. 诗的含义同“万里长城今犹在,不见当年秦始皇”表达的别无二致,只不过这位埃及的国王比秦始皇早了1000年而已。

‘Ozymandias’ is one of Shelley's best poems, Published in 1818 and inspired by the Egyptian pharaoh Rameses II, the poem serves as a critique of the hubris of rulers who believe their legacies will endure forever, underscoring the relentless march of time and the lasting impact of art.

‘Mutability’ 1815 & 1821

It is a description of the variable nature of our world and the fleeting lives of human beings.

Regarded as one of Shelley's finest works, ‘Mutability’ delves into the transient nature of human life and emotions. Published in 1816, Shelley uses vivid imagery, likening the ephemeral beauty of midnight clouds to the fleeting joys of human existence. Shelley concludes with a profound realization: in a world where everything is temporary, the only constant is change itself.

‘Mutability’ 1815 更多的是一个敏感的23岁青年对世界的哲学客观发现,其揭示的道理如同古希腊哲学家赫拉克利特“人不能二次踏入同一条河流”如出一辙。

‘Mutability’ 1821 则是29岁的经过生活磨难的作者主观上对美德、友谊、爱情这些人世间的欢乐的稍纵即逝发出的无奈的慨叹! World’s delight is just a lighting that mocks the night, brief even as bright.

‘To a Skylark’


表面上It celebrates the beauty of nature and the bliss of a skylark’s song. 实际上云雀就是雪莱自己,雪莱就是那个象blithe spirit 的云雀,作为多项主张不为世人所接受的诗人,他想云雀一样“Singing hymns unbidden, till the world is wrought to a sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not”, 虽然不为社会所容,雪莱一直都时坚定地不妥协“Shadow of annoyance never came near you; you love—but never knew love’s sad satiety”,这时我感到雪莱就像一位见多识广学富五车的儿子,一遍遍陈述自己对家庭的热爱,一遍遍为亲人的福祉做出努力,但却屡次被观念陈腐的父母所伤。" Skylark is an ideal being transcending common experience"," seeking full isolation from mundanity".

‘The Indian Serenade’

It is a dreamlike, lyrical love poem told from the perspective of a desperate lover. 纯粹而真实的情感呼之欲出,实乃爱情诗里的巅峰之作!

‘Ode to the West Wind’

《西风颂》写于雪莱在意大利佛罗伦萨附近树林里漫步的一天. ,Shelley wanted his message of reform and revolution spread, and the wind becomes the trope for spreading the word of change through. It focuses on the necessary destruction for rebirth carried out by the personified mighty west wind.

‘Ode to the West Wind’ was written in 1819 near Florence and published in 1820. This iconic poem uses the wind as a symbol of change and the poet's role in instigating societal transformation. It delves into the wind's influence on nature and ends with a personal appeal to the wind for inspiration. Shelley's vision in this piece epitomizes key themes of the Romantic era.

雪莱一贯认为Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration; the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present; Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world."

Stanzas Written in Dejection near Naples

In early 1818, Percy and Mary Shelley set off for Italy with their two children, along with Claire Clairmont, Lord Byron's mistress, and Allegra, Byron's daughter. By December, Shelley found himself in dire straits. His first wife Harriet had drowned herself almost exactly two years before. In September, just a few months earlier, Clara—his baby daughter with Mary Shelley—had also died. His health declined, and his financial situation wasn't much better. Back in England, his radical political views had rendered him an outcast. On top of this, Shelley became convinced that he was a failure as a poet.

It describes the speaker’s dejection and how nature soothes his mood. Shelley was in Naples from November 29, 1818, to February 28, 1819. Naples in winter offers a pleasantly warm climate. Naples is at its best, so far as weather is concerned, and Shelley and his wife, Mary, should have been happy there. However, Shelley was in poor health and the delightful winter climate of Naples did not help him. The major cause of his dejection was not his health but his wife's estrangement from him following the death of their daughter Clara on September 24, 1818. Mary seems to have felt that her husband was indirectly responsible for the death of the child because he had insisted on making a hurried journey in hot weather to Venice at a time when little Clara was sick. The child died shortly after the Shelley family reached Venice.

Penned amidst financial woes, health issues, and the recent loss of his daughter,, the poem captures Shelley's profound despair and isolation. Written at the Italian seaside, the natural world prompts introspection and uplifts the spirit of the lost and dejected speaker. This introspective poem offers a glimpse into Shelley's disturbed mental state and his profound connection with the natural world.

Mont Blanc

Inspired by the scenery he encountered on his trip through Europe when he arrived at Chamonix, ‘Mont Blanc’ is a poem about the untamable and majestic nature that the author encountered.

In "Mont Blanc", Percy Shelley compares the power of the mountain against the power of the human imagination. The poet concludes that only a privileged few can see nature as it really is, and are able to express its benevolence and malevolence through the device of poetry. The poet is privileged because he can understand the truth found in nature, and the poet is then able to use this truth to guide humanity. The poet interprets the mountain's "voice" and relays nature's truth through his poetry.


勃朗峰(Mont Blanc)高4810.45km。阿尔卑斯山共有128座海拔超过4000公尺的山峰,其中最高峰勃朗峰)海拔4810.45km,位于法国和意大利交界处。这是雪莱在Chamouni镇所写。


皮拉图斯山(Mt. Pilatus)是一座俯瞰瑞士中部名城琉森(卢塞恩)的阿尔卑斯山峰。海拔2119米的Esel峰位于皮拉图斯齿轨登山列车站的上方。









‘A Lament’

It mourns lost joy and glory, yearning for a past prime with a refrain of despair.其真切的悲伤如同耳边想起苏格兰民歌《Auld Lang Syne》。

The cloud

It is a personification and a metaphor for the perpetual cycle of transformation and change in nature. All life and matter are interconnected and undergo unending change and metamorphosis.

he Cloud, the Ode to the West Wind and The Skylark, according to Desmond King-Hele, are together "an abiding monument to Shelley's passion for the sky:

The "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty"

It was conceived and written during a boating excursion with Byron on Lake Geneva, Switzerland, in June 1816. The beauty of the lake and of the Swiss Alpine scenery was new to Shelley and unutterably beautiful. He was profoundly moved by it Thanks to the Alps, Shelley, who had given up Christianity, had at last found a deity which he could wholeheartedly adore. The worship of beauty is Shelley's new religion, it is significant that he calls his poem a hymn, a term used almost exclusively for religious verse

The central idea of "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty" is that there is a spiritual power that stands apart from both the physical world and the heart of man. This power is unknown to man and invisible, but its shadow visits "this various world with as inconstant wing / As summer winds that creep from flower to flower" and it visits also "with inconstant glance / Each human heart and countenance." When it passes away it leaves "our state, / This dim vast vale of tears, vacant and desolate."



Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world",



冬天来了,春天还会远吗? If Winter Comes, can Spring be far behind?






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