旌旗读后感 读书笔记


2022-11-02 08:16:07  本文已影响人 


Mihail Sebastian,罗马尼亚律师、作家,出生于1907年10月18日,于1945年5月29日因车祸不幸去世。

Women 是一本关于女性的小说,分四章讲述了一个男人Ștefan Valeriu和四个女人的故事。这本书是在小红书上看到张玫作家推荐的。张玫作家推荐这本书有两点:一是语言很美;二是其中一位女性关于「家」的描述。我从图书馆拿到手后,读起来真觉得这本书的语言像音符一样跳跃着。确实非常美。为作者驾驭文字的魅力惊叹不已。关于「家」,当交往的对象邀请书中的一位女性住在一起的时候,她坚持要有自己的「家」。这个家不仅是身体的居所,还是灵魂的自由之处。以下是她关于「家」的看法:

"It would have been hard to say why and hard for him to understand. I didn't even try. But I remained firm. I needed my own home, where I could be alone: a room where nobody could ever enter without knocking, a chest where I could lock away whatever I wished, four walls between which I could gather myself, at a remove from the world. A 'fortress mentality' was how you described it once and I didn't know what to say. But don't think this's what it is! I just know that I like my interior life, that my greatest pleasure is to return to it in the evening, and I've retained a very clear idea of home as a 'refuge' (the return of the prodigal son is the only passage in the Bible that has ever moved me) If I haven't ever let my life go to pieces, it's largely thanks to this room in which I'm writing to you today. By being here, I've held myself back so many times from doing crazy things, from losing my temper, from leaping before I looked... And the number of times I've returned here wounded, anxiety written on my face, my arms hanging by my side, unable to make sense of some disaster which had engulfed me, thinking my life was over. When you'd see me in the street a day or two later, I'd smile to myself, thinking how much personal damage lies beneath my calm exterior. Because you would congratulate me for my calmness and I was proud of it-for reasons other than those you image, believe me"













“I have always enjoyed watching Andrei eating and I think his greed is the only truly good thing in him, because (maybe I'm talking nonsense, but I'll tell you anyway) there's something childlike about a greedy man, something which tempers his roughness and self-importance and reduces the intimidating aspect of his masculinity. It's possible that simple, stupid women have managed to live their entire lives with great men, kings, generals, and geniuses just because they ate their dinners with them and had the image before them of petulant, hungry children and it was the only thing that made their majesty tolerable. "

"I've always been an oddball and a loner, always protected my freedom any time a woman tried to time me down. I'm a bachelor by nature and I hadn't understood until then how living with someone could be possible. I, who always lived for surprise and temporary arrangements, found the idea of coming across the same body with the same reactions every night absurd. Perhaps I could find some way to explain how Arabela made me abandon my vocation as a vagabond in love from our first moment together, but bother using psychology to explain something that happened so naturally and which I welcomed gladly? No, no, Arabela would laugh if she read such a thing.”




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