旌旗读后感 读后感范文


2023-11-19 06:12:22  本文已影响人 


"Robinson Crusoe" is a creative and adventurous novel. It tells the story of a young man named Robinson who becomes stranded on a deserted island after a shipwreck.
The entire novel is very captivating, leaving readers in awe of the author’s rich imagination and detailed descriptions. Robinson uses his intelligence and resourcefulness to survive alone on the island and gradually learns skills such as fishing, farming, and more, establishing a simple yet effective system for living. He interacts with the local natives and finally manages to leave the island successfully, experiencing various dangers while always remaining confident of his ability to succeed. These plot points leave a deep impression on people.
In addition to the story itself, "Robinson Crusoe" also conveys many positive thoughts. It demonstrates human wisdom and resilience when faced with adversity, as well as respect for the natural world. Robinson's persistent vitality and wit exemplify humanity's adaptability to disaster and environment. Similarly, he discovers the wonders and mysteries of nature and seeks to better understand and leverage natural resources. These inspirations invite readers to establish deeper reflections and insights.
Overall, "Robinson Crusoe" is an exploratory book that instills values such as courage, perseverance, and more, and educates us to remain optimistic and positive when facing difficulties, striving to find the best solutions.
总之, 《鲁滨逊漂流记》是一本令人充满探究精神的好书,它不但传达了勇气、坚毅等价值观,也教育着我们在困境中要保持乐观积极的心态,并努力寻求最优的解决方案。

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