旌旗读后感 读后感范文


2021-10-03 08:42:19  本文已影响人 



Grown-up's mind is quite different from children's. Children's painting can be a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant, although it is impossible. In my opinion, it stands for the innocent of children. However, grown-ups misunderstand these. Their eyes are crowded with money. They will ask children not to do meaningless things and let them bury themselves in studying. Several years later, the children grow up and become a person whose eyes are covered with money. From where I stand, grow-ups should take care of their kids, trying to hear and understand them and letting them be a child rather than a little adult.
   The businessman always said "I'm busy!" But what is he doing? Only counting the number of the stars. He thought these stars which never be discovered by anyone belong to him, but the little prince doesn't agree on it. They are meaningless to himself. In my opinion, the businessman only likes the feeling of owning, he has forgotten how to be happy, and he treats the money too seriously. People should find the happiness from the life, rather than caring about fame and wealth. (乐亭一中 阚佳硕同学)


After reading chapter 5, I had a lot of thoughts.

If the little prince didn't pull up regularly all the baobabs, they will spread over the entire planet. The baobabs are like bad habits in our life. If we didn't find them out and clean them up, our life will be influenced. These bad habits maybe not good for us. We can learn from the little prince, such as finding them carefully, and often cleaning them up. It's difficult and bored to us. But it is very useful to do it.

Let us clean up our bad habits. Our life will became more and more beautiful!

After reading the 15th chapter, I had a lot of thoughts.

The little prince met a geographer. The geographer often record the experience of explorers. When the little prince mentioned his own planet, the geographer was very interested. But when the little prince mentioned his flower, the geographer said he don't care it. It just like adults always think that what they do is the most important thing. The geographer only wrote the big things, but he did not write the small things. However, the small things can also make our life more beautiful. Children have different feelings. Let us keep our kid heart, feeling the meaning of life!(乐亭一中 王健祥同学)

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