旌旗读后感 读后感800字


2024-08-18 08:57:07  本文已影响人 






The Little Refugee reveals the cruelty of war and the darkness of human nature. ‌

The rural male power phenomenon described in chapter 6, ‌ and the extreme behavior towards the third girl, ‌ makes me feel very uncomfortable. ‌ Such disregard and contempt for life, ‌ makes me have a deeper understanding of the dark side of human nature. ‌ Besides, ‌other chapters in the book reveal the cruelty of war, ‌ and how it turns men into demons. ‌It makes me have a deeper understanding of war and ‌ makes me cherish peace more. ‌

Some of the things in the book filled me with horror, ‌especially the depictions of life being trivialized and ‌ taken away. For example, ‌ about the death of a third born girl, and future plans for revenge, all leave me shocked and puzzled by certain aspects of human behavior. ‌ These contents make me reflect on the moral bottom line and values of human society, ‌ also make me cherish peace and ‌ respect life more. ‌

In general, ‌ ‌ Memoirs of a Little Refugee ‌ not only gives me a deeper understanding of war and human nature, ‌ also gives me a more cherished attitude toward life and peace. ‌ With its true and profound description, ‌ makes me deeply reflect on some human behaviors, ‌ also makes me more aware of the importance of peace and respect for life.

  • 上一篇:《杨绛传》读后感850字
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