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2022-10-09 09:43:48  本文已影响人 


《神奇书屋》第一季28本书主题丰富,树屋就像是时光穿梭机,带着Jack 和Annie穿越时空来到一个个不同的时代和一个个不同的地方。每次的探险都那么紧张和刺激。现在和大家分享树屋系列的读书笔记。

Dinosaurs Before Dark(Chapter1-6) 读书笔记

1.Jack looked at the sky. The sun was about to set. 杰克看看天空,太阳快下山了。

be about to do自己写作时会这样用吗?

2.The trees were lit with a  golden late-afternoon light. 傍晚时分,树木映照在晚霞的余晖中。


At the top the tree was a tree house, tucked between two branches.

At the top the tree was a tree house, 用倒装结构,过度自然

tucked between two branches. 过去分词表被动

4. The tree house was filled with books. Books were everywhere--very old books with dusty covers and new books with shiny, bright covers.


5.Below  were the tops of the other trees.


6. In the distance he could see the Frog Creek library and the elementary school and the park.


7. A giant creature was gliding above the treetops! It has a long, weird crest on the back of its head, a skinny beak, and huge bat-like wings!  如何描写动物外貌

8. Sunlight slanted [‘slɑːntɪd] (斜照)through the window.

阳光从窗户斜照进来。(slant 用得好)

9. The Pteranodon(翼龙) was soaring[‘sɔ:rɪŋ](翱翔)through the sky. The ground was covered with ferns[fɜːnz](蕨类植物) and tall grass. There was a winding[‘waɪdɪŋ](蜿蜒的) stream, a sloping[‘sləʊpɪŋ](倾斜的) hill, and volcanoes[vɒl’kænəʊ](火山) in the distance(远处).

10.The creature fixed his eyes on (眼睛盯着)Annie. His long jaws were opening and closing like a giant pair of scissors.(比喻句使用)

11.  Jack and Annie crouched on the floor. (crouch蹲下 动词准确运用)

12.What in the world(究竟) is she saying? Jack wondered.

13. He was only a few feet away from (距离几英尺远)the creature.

14. He flipped through the pages. 他飞快地翻书。

15.Let’s go see him up close. Go 和see之间省略to

16.Annie and Jack stepped off the ladder. 走下梯子 

17.Then he and Annie peeked out at (偷看)the Triceratops.

18.He gazed down at (注视)her from the hilltop.

19. He stuffed(塞进) the gold medallion into his jeans pocket.

20.Towering over her was a gigantic duck-billed dinosaur! 倒装句式

21.Jack inched farther down the hill(小心翼翼地朝山下挪动), until he was just an arm’s distance from Annie.

22.The dinosaur waddled (摇摇摆摆,蹒跚)after her.

23.What he saw in the distance (在句中做主语)almost make him faint!

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